Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Civil Rights Heroes

After watching Civil Rights Heroes, which story had the most impact for you? Why?


  1. Molly Broscoe
    For me the story of Emmett Till was the most touching. Due to the young age of the victim and the act of the crime it is very gruesome. The fact that the people who killed him could even due something that nasty to a fellow human being is disgusting. He wasn't just killed, he was brutally murdered and tortured. That is why this one had the most impact for me.

  2. The story that had the most impact on me was the Emmett Till story because it made me realize how disturbed people could really be. I personally think that it opened the eyes of many people. What happend was Emmett Till was seen trying to talk to a white girl and her boyfriend saw and him and his friends beat him up..They beat him so bad that he looked like a 33 year old man in his casket when in reality he was only 14.

  3. Jimmy Lee Jackson- this one really connected to me because of the fact he was trying to protect his family and i would have done the same thing for my grandfather and i really think it was a unfair death for him

    By Eric Green

  4. The story of Emmett till had the most impact on me because he was treated so harshly. The fact that he was beaten to shreds and just thrown in a river is absolutly mind boggling. And that he was just thrown in the river is terrible. I do like the way Emmits mom displayed his body to the public so they could see what the world has come to. It was an eye opener for many.

  5. I found the Emmett Till story to have the most impact. I found the brutality of the entire situation to just be cruel, and it was a real eye opener for me. I've always heard stories about how bad racism used to be...but this story really gave me a perspective that felt so real. Emmett was literally taken away from his shack and beaten to death. The photos taken of Till from his open casket showed how cruel the men were who beat him. His mother wanted to keep the casket open to show the world what had been done left an impact on me because it makes you realize how real this was, and that Emmett was a human just like everyone else.

  6. Alyssa Clinkscales

    Overall all of the heroes had a impacted me, but Emmit Till's story had the most impact on me. His story was just a terrible and it really hit home for me, because he was so young. It just showed how heartless and evil people are. The way his death spread around the world really made people realize what was really going on in the south. He was one of many who's story ended in tragedy,but helped paved the way for me and other African Americans today.

  7. I found the story of Vernon Dahmer to be the most moving for a multitude of reasons. Firstly and most obviously, the fact that a father had been violently taken from his wife and children is horrific. The simple and ugly truth is that Vernon Dahmer was killed out of prejudice and hate, as were the other Civil Rights martyrs mentioned in the film. Surely, most would agree that his death was the result of an unforgivable crime. That being said, I was impacted upon learning that the Dahmer family nobly forgave an accomplice of their father's slaying. Their family was so hurt and broken by the KKK, and still found it in their hearts to forgive a man who helped to kill their own father. These are all reasons why I was mostly impacted by Vernon Dahmer's story. -Betsy Hanlon

  8. John Greulich

    The story that impacted me the most was the one about the three college men who were murdered. This story impacted me the most because the KKK were not only killing African Americans, but also whites who were helping the African Americans. The line that caught my attention was the one that Mickey Schwerner said before he died. Mickey answered a question given to him by a KKK member by saying, "Sir, I know how you feel." This line caught my attention because it worried the KKK about the progress that the African Americans are accomplishing.

  9. Cameron Howard

    The story of Emmett Till impacted me the most because he was so young and the events that happened to him were horrific. The thing that stood out most to me about the Till case was the fact that he did nothing wrong at all. This case rally triggered the civil rights movement because of the fact Till was so young and people wanted justice.

  10. i found the story of vernon dahmer because his family was also targeted not just him. this showed me how bad the KKK was, they really had no repect for any one

  11. The Emmett Till story is always has the largest impact on me. Whenever I hear this story being re-told by his mother or anyone else who knew what happened my emotions begin to get involved. It makes me realize how cruel some people had been in that time, maybe even till this day. This is a story that will never be forgotten, because no one on this entire earth deserves to die because another person doesn't agree with his/her actions.

  12. The story about Emmit Till's story had the biggest impact on me. The reason is because he was so young and innocent. It also really impacted me that the men who attacked him gauged out his eye's and beat him to the point where he looked like a 33 year old man were never found guilty. The brutality of this story is horrid because he was beaten so bad that his mother wanted to have a public service with an open casket to show the world what had happened. To make a mother have to use their child as an example is really hard for the parent and the fact that she did it was touching.

  13. John Morrison

    I believe the story of Emmett Till's story is my most touching story, because I feel that the people who killed him were wrong to kill an innocent 14 year old boy. I also believe that Milam and Bryant should be convicted for killing Till.

    Another story I felt touching was Medger Evers' story, because he was a war hero and he was also very determined for change in Mississippi.

  14. Medger Evers had the greatest impact on me because he fought in WWII for the United States. After putting his life on the line he comes home and gets treated worse than a second class citizen. Shame on the people of the Unites States to treat him like this. He was an African American civil rights activists in Missouri who had a major impact of boycotting the bus and restaurants. The assasination of Evers was a rallying card for the March on Washington. This story made the biggest impact on me because he was a truly special man who would gladly die for the better life for his children.

  15. Emmett Till considering how young he was and how brutal his murder was. Seeing how bad the damage to him was when they showed what he looked like after his body was found. It struck me as a real shocking twist that you would not even consider that people before us were filled with such hate and disgust in them. You see the real disgust the real people they are inside when you see what they did.

  16. The story of Emmett Till had the biggest impact on me because he was only 14 when he was killed. Children that age should never be killed that young. It made me feel for his parents because he was beaten so badly he could hardly be recognized. He was so innocent, and the people who did that to him weren't even charged. I do think it was amazing what his mother did, to show the world what had happened.

  17. the civil rights story that stuck out to me the most was the emmit till story. he was a young man from the north and did not have experiance in the south like everyone else did. this is why it stuck of to me, because he was an average boy from the north just like me which is why i can relate to his horrible death.

  18. I think the story of Vernon Dahmer to be the most touching. Dahmer was a part of the NAACP, and supported the rights for African Americans. He had a a corner store and broadcasted over the radio for African Americans to come to his store and pay 2 dollars to vote. The sad part about that this basically made him a target, the KKK wasn't happy. It's also ironic that the one night his wife and himself weren't on look out, the KKK burned the house and started shooting. I also find it very enlightening that 35 years after his death, Billy Roy Pitts appologized to his wife and family for his involvement on the Dahmer home attack. The Dahmer's accepted it.

    Cayla Conover

  19. I think the Emmit Till story was the story that really caught my attention. When he was only 14 years old he was taken by a group of White men and was never to return back home. His mother said always say yes sir to white people. One day Emmit was beat to death by three White men because he handed money to a White woman. He broke a racial code. After that he was beat to death it was a very brutal beating. This caught my attention because it seemed like he showed no fear. He might have been afraid when he was taken away but he showed no fear and dealt with it. Emmit Till is a great Civil Rights movement story and will never be forgotten in History.

  20. The bombing of the 16th street church kind of spoke to me because those were young girls around my age and it is kind of sad that these girls died just because they were in a church. It was wrong for those girls just to die like that because they were just young they did not get to live a long live. It also was wrong because the girls had nothing really to do with what was going on and they should have not died.

  21. Emitt Till had the biggest impact on me. His story showed that many people were complete thrown off at that point of time in history. The things that they would do to a child. Emitt was young and was speakin his mind. Thats what I liked about him. But, it upset me very much. It also showed me how strong us blacks were even when things like this happened. For his mother to do an open casket was STRONG of her. To open eyes everywhere that things like this happened and somewhat still do happen.

  22. i think they all were a big impact on me because they all were important but if i had 2 pick i would choose the 3 college students because they came all the way here too register black people to vote which is wonderful because blacks had a chance to vote and all of them weren't taking advantage of it. So since they three kids did that they got beat up and everything which is terrible.

  23. The story of Vernon Dahmer stuck out to me the most. Because Dahmer was such a respectable man, his death sticks out a lot. He was the president of his local NAACP chapter and was a beloved leader. The fact that he died for his family, to protect them and let them get out of the house, makes his death heroic and memorable. The Dahmer’s family struggle with Sam Bowers and the final conviction of him was a memorable story of good conquering evil.

  24. I found the bombing of the sixteenth street church the most harrowing, as it showed klansmen crossing a line previously uncrossed. The bombing targeted not only children, but a place of worship associated with the religion the clansmen themselves claimed to be adherent to.

  25. For me, Emmett Till's death was the most powerful story. Mainly, I believe, it affected me the most because he was only 14 years old. Also unlike the other stories we saw, this boy did not present a danger to white supremacists. He was not a Civil Right leader; he simply was visiting the South. So for me, Emmett Till's death was the most powerful because he was the most innocent of them all.

  26. I think each story has been upsetting and heart breaking but the one that impacted me the most was the Four Girls also known as the Birmingham Four. Birmingham Alabama today stands a monument of the Civil Rights movement and on September 15, 1963 it lost four of its children. Some people at this time nicknamed this area bombing-ham. I think that main reason this story impacted me the most because this was a place where people would go everyday to pray and was monumental to these people and a symbolic target. These four girls were young women and were killed without doing any harm.

  27. Medgar Evers had an impact on me because this man faced danger everyday yet still continued on. It was a great tragedy that he died and also another one that he died right after the civil rights leaders had just made a break through. His death cause a reaction in the south along with many other murders however he had a position of power in the black community making his murder have a larger impact

  28. the story with the biggest impact on me was the murder of the reverend James Reed. his death helped the cause of the movement because it showed the white supremacists as people who kill preachers.

  29. Julia
    The 16th Street Baptist Church impacted me the most. I found it devastating that three innocent little girls were killed by the KKK. It really bothers me that the KKK would target the church as well. One would think that a group who believes that they were sent on a religious mission would not stoup to the level of bombing a church. But mostly, the fact that three girls, just a little younger then i am, were killed so that the KKK could make a point is truly gross.

  30. Liz Martin

    After watching this movie, each story left an impact on me. However the story that impacted me that most was the Incident at 16th Baptist Church. Denise McNare, Addie May Collins, Carol Robertson, and Cynthia Westly,were all in the basement of their church getting ready for services when a set timer went off and the girls instantly died. I think it is terrible that four young, innocent girls died at the expense of the civil rights movement. It is scary to think that people would commit random acts of violence to prove their point. It is sad and tragic that these girls lost their lives so young.

  31. I think that the story of the four girls who were killed at the 16th Street Baptist Church was the most poignant. Their incredible innocence reflects the cruelty of the Civil Rights Movement. These were four, young unsuspecting victims whose deaths were not justified. They had committed no crime nor offense and had no right to die. The remorselessness of the bombers was also shocking to the public, as they felt no guilt for mercilessly killing four young girls in church.

  32. Teh Birmingham 4 was the story that stuck out to me the most. This stuck out so much because of the actual event that happened. I couldn't believe that someone planted a bomb in a church to attack random and innocent people because of racism. It especially stuck out because they called ahead of time to give them a 10 second warning. It really scared me that someone would think of doing that, and then take the time to set such a horrible thing in action. It was a really moving story and the progress that came from the deaths of those four girls was highly inspirational

  33. Emmett Till strongly resonated with me for multiple reasons. His age (14) was enraging, regardless of era or opinion: children shouldn't be the target of violence. Further, the trial was obscene. 5 local lawyer’s volunteered to defend the murderers. They admitted to brutally beating, kidnapping, and murdering Emmett, but the all white jury took less than an hour to reach a not guilty verdict. It is thus will great happiness that I can say his death jump-started the civil rights movement, which, in my mind makes Emmett Till the most significant death portrayed in the movie. -Casey Dorn

  34. I think that the murder of the 4 young girls in the basement of the church made the biggest impact on me. They were only children they were killed while just having fun. This really showed me that it wasn't just people who were activists for civil rights but the violence was against innocent African-Americans too.

  35. The story about the murder of the three civil service workers working to register black voters in the south had the most impact on me. It was a shocking look at how corrupt the police force was in the south and how well connected the KKK was in the south. This case also revealed that the corruption did not stop in the local governments and justice systems. Hoover, director of the FBI, was reluctant to help solve this case because of his biased beliefs about the civil rights movement. This triple murder unmasked the some of the failings in America's justice system.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. In my opinion, Emmett Till was by far the most heartbreaking, and disturbing story. It impacted me in the way that it showed me and I'm sure many others, how extremely horrible things were at that time, but also how incredibly strong the family and friends of Emmett were and how they dealt with the tragedy. Emmett Till was merely just an innocent young boy that said one sentence that cost him his life.

  38. The story of Emmett Till had the biggest impact on me because I feel it displayed the most interracial intolerance. Emmett Till was also more influential because he was only fourteen when he died. Emmett was wrongfully killed and the killers' reasoning was because he merely whistled at a woman who was of a different race. Obviously, this did not justify a death and this event sparked and incited even more Civil Rights awareness and movements. I also feel that this one was the most influential event at the time of almost all of the American Civil Rights Movement. This one spurred outrage everywhere, including both blacks and whites. Overall, because Emmett was so young and so brutally murdered, and because it was one of the most influential events, is the reason why it was one of the most impressionable events at the time and to me.

  39. All of the stories left a big impression on me and were shocking, however I found the death of Vernon Dahmer to be one of the more heroic. I was amazed at Dahmer's involvement in the NAACP and the disapproval and hatred performed by the KKK. Dahmer, husband and father was appreciated by most, especially the black community but knew the reaction of others such as the KKK. Sadly, the one night that Dahmer and his wife didn't stay awake is the night that the KKK burned the house and shot at them. I found Dahmer to be a very heroic man in the fact that he risked his life for his family and others. His death, although traumatic, contributed to the civil rights movement, and the case continued for many years after. I was then impressed how one of the Klansmen, Pitts, appologized and the family forgave him. It seems that many people learned from this event, and certainly left an impression on me.

  40. The story on Vernan Dahmer was especially shocking to me. What effected me the most was the fact that Dahmer and his wife took turns going to sleep at night to try and protect his family from getting killed if the KKK come. Why should a man be killed for trying to make a change? The most amazing thing that I found about this story was how Sam Bowers had to finally pay for his actions by being sentenced to life in prison. The Dahmer family was able to get the closure they needed in 1998.

  41. The story of Emitt Till had the biggest impact on me. After his death, many people started realizing what was going on. His story was mindblowing because he was so young. It's unfourtonate that a child had to die in order to have such an impact on so many people. Racism and segregation was just so bad at the time. The photo taken of him from the his open casket showed how cruel the men were who beat him. I was disgusted, they were not humans but instead they were like selfish animals. His mother wanted to keep the casket open to show the world how ugly this whole thing was, not only Till's face but also this racism.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I really don't believe it is a government conspiracy. it is somewhat unfathomable to believe that the U.S. government killed its commander and chief. It is possible that there was more than one shooter, from each of the three buildings shown in the video, but I don't think they are government affiliated. Oswald didn't like the US. He wanted to go live in Russia, even though he was denied, it still shows his hate of the U.S. government, in particular Kennedy. This whole case is just a mysterious, though, first the HSCA finds flaws in the Warren Report, then the National Academy of Science said that the HSCA conclusions were flawed. SO technically that means that the Warren Report was right,so despite what i have previously said, I believe that Lee Harvard Oswald killed JFK, with the Help of Jack Ruby, who murdered him to keep his name, which backfired.

  44. I believe that the story of Emmett Till was the most impact on me because he was just a few years younger than me and to think that he had his whole life in front of him. And it was all over looking at a girl and her boyfriend not liking it. this was a very sad and unfortunate story that will live in Americas history
